We can start where you are, and we can work plug & play.

Future vision design

Scenario mapping




Behavioural analysis

Transition tactics

Engagement strategies

Ignite action today



Horizon scanning


Are you hungry for inspiration? In keynotes, ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours, we share scientific insights and tangible examples of what a sustainable and regenerative future might look like, and how we can ignite positive impact action.

Our team has given more than 100 keynotes on topics like:

Keynote on behavioural design at Behavioural Design Camp Wiesbaden

Keynote on hopeful futures for 120 social innovation entrepreneurs

→ Hopeful future visions
→ The power of long-term thinking
→ Regenerative business models
→ Sustainable behaviour change
→ Designing inclusive behaviour

Workshops & Trainings

Do you want to come up with new ideas? In our workshops and trainings, ranging from 2 hour workshops to 3 day trainings, we grow your futures thinking mindset, co-create future visions and create behaviour changing ideas.

Our team has facilitated more than 100 workshops on topics like:

→ Futures literacy
→ Future vision design
→ Sustainable behaviour change
→ Identifying barriers for behaviour change
→ Smart language to engage your audience

Time Loop Workshop at Luca School of Arts

Workshop Sustainable Behaviour Design for Sustainability Leadership Program

Scenario mapping & future vision design

Working on your company strategy and vision? In projects, ranging from a couple of days to multi-year collaborations, we help organizations envision future scenarios and define your long-term ambition. This gives your team hope and purpose. And it leads to more future-proof and resilient strategies.

Our team has helped organizations with:

Horizon scanning

Future vision design

Senario mapping


→ Boosting resilience with future scenarios mapping
→ Giving purpose and a goal by designing a clear vision
→ Writing engaging narratives that inspire action
→ Training a futures thinking mindset to make better long-term decisions

Backcasting & roadmaps

In need of clear milestones towards future greatness? When you have a clear long-term vision for your organization, we facilitate the necessary discussions to define your roadmap. We help you spot challenges and opportunities, and bring in extra experts where necessary.

We can help by:


→ Facilitating backcasting workshops
→ Bringing the right experts on board
→ Adding a behavioural science perspective to your  roadmap

Engagement strategy & transition tactics

Do you want to ignite action with colleagues, citizens or customers? With our behavioural research, we discover what is holding people back from taking action. With behavioural design expertise, we define the right strategies and stories to accelerate your sustainable transition.

Our team has worked on challenges like:

Behavioural analysis

Transition tactics

Engagement strategies

Ignite action today

→ Stimulating the sales of sustainable products
→ Engaging people around sustainable investing
→ Promoting sustainable mobility proposals
→ Facilitating inclusive behaviour
→ Sparking interest in climate positive home choices